Here at Northern Landscapes, we’re always on the lookout for ways to help the environment and off set our carbon footprint. Here are a few ideas that will help you save money and recycle household items that you might otherwise send to landfill!


Toilet Rolls

Cut in half or thirds, they’re particularly useful for seeds that are tricky to germinate, like parsnips. Fill them with multipurpose compost, pop a couple of seeds on top and then sprinkle over some more compost, and once the seedlings get a few centimetres high you can plant the whole thing out. The cardboard will simply rot down into the soil.

Margarine Tubs
We are always trying to reduce the amount of plastic that we use so why not cut up those hard to recycle margarine tubs into plant labels? Then use the money you’ve saved to buy a few more packets of seeds!


Yoghurt Pots
Unfortunately, there are millions of plastic plant pots going into landfill. They are cheap to produce and are used by garden centres all over the country. So, do you bit and recycle old yoghurt pots by giving them a good clean and putting a few holes in the bottom – perfect for those first shoots!

Plastic Milk Bottles and Drink Cans
These make great safety covers for the tops of pointy sticks and canes, and double up as effective bird scarers when they rattle in the wind.



Wooden Boxes
If you have any old wooden boxes lying around, use them for salad and other leafy veg and being mobile, you can start them off early in doors before moving them outside when things warm up.
Our favourite boxes are old wine ones, but even a stray piece of wood can be cut up and banged into a presentable planter.


Plastic Bottles
Big cordial bottles are great for turning into cloches for frost protection and early sowings. Simply cut one in half and slot it over the young plant. Although they might not be as stylish and attractive as a purpose made cloche, they won’t break the bank either…

Large pieces of cardboard are great if you just can’t decide what to do with a plot. They keep the weeds at bay and then rot into the ground. Great recycling!