Gardener in TraffordA professionally trained and experienced gardener in Trafford lets you truly enjoy your garden. There are lots of people who love gardening and are passionate about this hobby. But the routine work that’s involved such as digging, weeding and pruning can be laborious and boring. Other people love gardens, but don’t have the time or the skills to put into them. We at Northern Landscapes perfectly understand all these points of view. It’s for these reasons that we decided to go into business in 2007. In addition, we believe in attention to detail, reliability, a friendly approach and affordable rates. While there’s no compromise on the quality of our services, we tailor them to the unique needs of each client.

If you have a small and manageable space, with a simple garden design, you may not require the services of a regular gardener. However, with larger properties, and more complex garden designs only a professionally trained and experienced person can do justice to it. In Trafford, gardener services should be chosen very carefully. Before you hire a professional gardener, do a bit of homework. Analyse your own requirements and how much you’re willing to pay.  You can evaluate the space involved and what sort of services you will need, and at what intervals. Once you have this information, ask trustworthy sources for recommendations. T

There are several top-quality certificate courses  and licenses that a professional gardener in Trafford may hold. To find out how we can assist you with gardener services, contact Northern Landscapes today. We employ only the best in the business. If you are passionate about organic and environmentally sustainable methods, check if the gardener is familiar with these concepts. Some gardeners specialise in flowers, vegetables, fruit, lawns and landscaping, herbs or exotic plants. We can assist you with whatever you would like done in your garden.