gardener in LymmWhen choosing a gardener in Lymm, you want to be sure that the person is experienced, reliable and passionate about the job. When you come to Northern Landscapes, you can be confident that you have made the best choice. Founded in 2007, we are proud to offer our services throughout the Cheshire and South Manchester regions and beyond. We provide garden and landscaping installation and maintenance services to a wide range of clients that include individuals, corporations, public and private companies, schools and colleges, business parks, and property management companies. One of the reasons why we retain our premier position in this industry is because we consistently invest in people, training and in deploying the latest technology and equipment.

Everyone loves a beautiful garden, but it doesn’t happen with the wave of a magic wand. In Lymm, gardeners employed by our firm have the perfect combination of training, professional expertise and the proverbial green thumb. They know that it takes patience, hard work and talent to work the earth. Though most of our clients are passionate about having a garden, not all of them have the time or the knowledge to work in it. They have to rely on the services of a gardener recommended by friends, family or neighbours. Or they may spot a beautiful garden while they’re out walking and get details from the property owner. Today, most people turn to online searches to find what they want and looking for a gardener is no exception. However, it’s important to analyse your own needs, preferences and budget before you hire someone. You also need to understand the kind of work involved in creating your dream garden.

It’s important to have a detailed conversation with a gardener in Lymm to ensure that you’re in sync with each other. If you need the professional help of a gardener, contact Northern Landscapes today. That is where we come in – we can provide the perfect match for your unique requirements. We are also committed to reducing our carbon footprint and that of our clients to the maximum possible extent.