Gardener in GatleyOur professional gardener in Gatley can help you to get your garden summer ready. Summer is one of the most enjoyable months for passionate gardeners. With flowers in full bloom, fruit on the trees, vegetable gardens thriving, animals and birds, butterflies and bees visiting, summer’s indeed the time for fun. You can enjoy outdoor entertaining with family and friends, spend twilit evenings on the lawn and organise parties for the kids. But if your garden’s looking wild and unkempt, you wouldn’t feel like spending time in it. You may be a passionate gardener, but most of the work takes hard effort and routine chores. We offer top quality gardener services to suit your unique requirements.

For property owners in Gatley, gardener services can help you in many ways. You may need to cut back hedges and overgrown flower beds. Flowering plants need regular trimming and deadheading. This keeps them healthy and in a growth mode. If the soil is relatively healthy and covered with mulch, you won’t need to water it as often. Trimmings and dead leaves can form the bulk of the mulch left to nourish the earth. You don’t need to dig much during the summer months as it can damage root structures, and expose the soil to harsh sunlight and dryness. This is also the time to collect bulbs and seeds for autumn blooming flowers. A professional gardener can give you these valuable tips and more.

Our gardener in Gatley has the necessary experience, training and knowledge to do a perfect job on your garden. Whether it’s a rambling acreage, or a handkerchief sized plot, we are glad to be of help. Hot weather gardening is quite different from other seasons. You need to water wisely, early in the morning and late in the evening. This helps to protect the plants from getting scorched in harsh sunlight. Contact Northern Landscapes for more such valuable tips and advice. Space out the watering schedules so that the plant roots learn to go deeper into the soil. Too much watering can cause root rot, while too little doesn’t nourish the plant. Use companion plants in your vegetable plots to protect tender veggies as they grow.