Jobs for November

There’s still time to plant daffodil bulbs and other spring flowering bulbs for a magnificent start to next years display.

Plant tulip bulbs now to prevent Tulip Fire infection.

Plant up a terracotta pot of hyacinth bulbs now for a simple but stunning display next spring.

Now is the ideal time to plant a magnolia tree for a beautiful spring display.

Gather up fallen leaves from around the base of rose which suffered from blackspot or rust this summer, to reduce the chance of infection next year.

Cut back the yellowing foliage of herbaceous perennials, and lift and divide overcrowded clumps to maintain their vigour.

Before the birds eat them all, cut a few stems of holly with berries for making Christmas garlands. Stand them in a bucket of water in a sheltered spot where our feathered friends can’t take them.

Start to plant bare-root roses, they can be planted any time between now and March.

Plant heathers, grasses and trailing ivy in pots for winter colour.

Plant out spring bedding displays of pansies, violas and primulas.

Looking after your lawn

If you haven’t already aerated your lawn, there’s still time to do it before winter sets in. You can use either a lawn aerator or simply insert a garden fork at regular intervals and lean it back slightly to let air in.

Continue to clear fallen leaves off the lawn to keep it healthy.

Remember to set your lawn mower to a higher cut-height for winter.

Now your beds are clear, try edging your lawn. Lawn edging creates a neat and tidy appearance and makes maintenance easier.

Try gathering your leaves on to the lawn and mow them with a rotary mower that has a collection box on the back. They will rot down quicker in your compost bins.